What is PowerPro?
Simply put, PowerPro is the ultimate combination of modern technology and old-fashioned fishing knowledge.
We begin with ultra-strong braided Spectra® Fiber, then use Enhanced Body Technology™ to create an incredibly round, smooth, and sensitive line. PowerPro outperforms monofilament lines in any situation and leaves other superlines in the dust. Try PowerPro on your next fishing trip, and see for yourself why it's every angler's dream - and every fish's nightmare!
Spectra Fiber® is a registered trademark of Honeywell
What is the PowerPro Advantage?
PowerPro's unique composition and EBT give you a line that is:
Rounder and more compact
- Won't bury in the spool
- Spools and packs better on any reel
- Picks up less water
- Has unbelievable strength-to-size ratio
Structurally Superior
- Reduces wind knots, backlashes, guide and rod tip wraps
- Ties more easily and holds knots better
- Near zero stretch
- No reel memory
Smoother and Slicker
- Sails effortlessly through guides
- For longer casts
- Won't cut guides
- Resists abrasion by equipment or
- Natural hazards
- Maintains performance over time
But what about...?
Older, first-generation superlines were made of abrasive aramids that could cut rod guides and take a toll on equipment. PowerPro solves these problems through super slick, non-abrasive Spectra Fiber composition and unique EBT processing. Other
complaints about superlines arose simply because the technology was so new, and few people knew how to take proper advantage of it. The Using PowerPro quick
guide takes the mystery out of using a superline and guarantees a satisfying fishing experience from the first cast!
How will PowerPro change the way I fish?
In addition to enhancing your enjoyment and increasing your catch, PowerPro slightly changes the way you set up for a day of fishing. PowerPro works great with any kind of reel, so you don't need any special equipment. Still, switching from mono to PowerPro is like trading your fly swatter in for a two-by-four: it takes a little care to get used to all that extra power!
Spooling Up
Unlike monofilament, PowerPro will not stretch on the reel and cling to the barrel. This can result in line sliding around the barrel, which can seem like a problem with your drag mechanism. Rest assured, your equipment is fine. To avoid slippage, attach PowerPro to your spool using one of these methods:
1) If your reel has a hole or knob on the barrel, use it.
2) Leave at least 5 to 10 yards of monofilament on the reel (enough to cover the bottom of the spool) before attaching PowerPro with a Uni to Uni splice.
3) Put a piece of compressible tape on the barrel before attaching PowerPro.
Uni to Uni Splice
The best way to connect PowerPro to monofilament of similar diameter.
1) Pass the PowerPro and monofilament at least 12 to 18" past each other so that loops can be formed. For a stronger knot, double the PowerPro.
2-3) Starting with the PowerPro, make 6 to 8 wraps through the loop and pull to tighten. Do the same with the mono except 4 or 5 wraps are enough. Pull on the tag end. Look to see that the wraps don't cross over each other.
4-5) Pull on the standing lines to jam the knots together. Trim.

Setting the Hook
Anglers on Saturday morning TV shows often set the hook in bass like Samurai warriors beheading the enemy. This may be a fine technique with monofilament line, but PowerPro doesn't require such a violent motion. When you get a strike, relax; a gentle snap of your wrist will set the hook. Because PowerPro doesn't stretch like nylon
lines, you won't get that rubber-band effect. Every inch you move your rod tip equals an inch of movement at the lure.
Setting your Drag
PowerPro lines are so small for their strength that you may be tempted to set your drag higher than normal, but remember, your rod or reel may not be designed to handle
the same unbelievable loads as your line. To make full use of PowerPro's amazing sensitivity without risking damage to your equipment, try one of the following tips:
1) Set your drag to match the weakest component in your tackle system.
2) Set your drag to match the size of mono line you would normally use.
3) When using ultralight equipment or line (10- or 20-lb. test) set your drag to no more than 1/3 of the line's rated strength. You can check the drag with a fish scale.
At lower drag settings, a little extra line may pay out at the hookset, compensating for PowerPro's lack of stretch.
Fish with Spinning Reels
For optimal PowerPro performance on your spinning reel, we recommend closing the bail manually. While your bait is falling, pull on the line to make sure it is seated firmly on the reel, then begin your retrieve.
Cutting PowerPro
PowerPro is extremely strong, and nail clippers won't cut it. We recommend sharp scissors such as Fiskars® for kids, which are inexpensive, easy to find, and have blunt ends to protect your pockets.
Coloring PowerPro
Spectra Fiber is an especially dense material that cannot be permanently dyed. The color simply encapsulates the line and will wear away with time. This is normal and does not affect the strength or performance of the line. To re-color your PowerPro line, simply use a permanent magic marker in whatever shade you prefer.
Retie your Line
Although PowerPro is extremely strong, it isn't indestructible. If the line starts to look frayed, especially after fishing around structure, it's probably time to cut off the worn section and retie. This way your line will always perform at rated strength.
Repack your Line
If your line starts to feel soft or mushy on the reel, especially when fishing with light baits, you should repack your reel. Make an extra long cast or let the line out behind your boat, then reel it in while holding the line taut with your fingers. This will improve casting performance and keep the line from "digging in" after a solid strike.
Using a Monofilament Leader
Attaching a monofilament leader to your PowerPro line may prove useful in the following situations:
1) When bait or jig fishing requires extra finesse, especially in clear water, use a 3-foot monofilament leader to cut down on line visibility.
2) When fishing for species that strike hard and fast, use a monofilament shock tippet. For close-in situations such as bait fishing, try a 3- to 10-foot tippet. For
big game applications, you may want to use up to 100 yards or more.
PowerPro is remarkably thin and strong. To avoid injury, never wrap it around your fingers or hands. If you need to break off the line, wrap it around a solid object and
Which PowerPro line is right for me?
Light Tackle Applications
Select a PowerPro line similar in diameter to the monofilament you normally use. For example, if you typically choose 8-lb. monofilament for applications, you would want 30-lb. PowerPro.
Heavy Tackle Applications
If you normally fish using monofilament or Dacron lines of 50-lb. test or greater, select a PowerPro line of the same test.
- Longer, Smoother Casts
- Better Handling on any Reel
- Superior Knot Performance
- Resists Burying in the Spool
- Near Zero Stretch
- Awesome Strength